How To Find Out If Someone Unfriended You On Facebook: You may be a bit curious to know your Facebook friends that unfriended you because you noticed a drop in the numbers of Facebook friend. Facebook does not have a feature that displays the list of those that unfriend you on its platform due to the fact that it may cause negative user experiences.
It then tells you who your missing friends are as well as who recently became your Facebook friend as soon as you revisit the app or browser extension by comparing your friend list with the saved version — which unfortunately means you can't see who unfriended you a while back before getting the app
To install the Who Deleted Me Google Chrome extension or see how it works, visit the website here.
you can as well share this article with your true friends so they can know those that unfriend them on Facebook
See this: Facebook App Memories
However, there is a third-party app created for this purpose, it is a free app for iOS and Android devices, it is also a browser extension for Google chrome. The app is called "Who Deleted Me". It works by simply saving a copy of your friend list after you first use Who Deleted Me.

It then tells you who your missing friends are as well as who recently became your Facebook friend as soon as you revisit the app or browser extension by comparing your friend list with the saved version — which unfortunately means you can't see who unfriended you a while back before getting the app
Check this: How to Get Facebook Followers Fast FreeIt provides a list of who stopped being your friend on Facebook as well as any new friends since the last time you were logged on. Both the app and the browser extension will identify whether you were the one to delete a friend and whether someone merely deactivated their Facebook profile.
To install the Who Deleted Me Google Chrome extension or see how it works, visit the website here.
you can as well share this article with your true friends so they can know those that unfriend them on Facebook
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