Facebook Visitor Tracker: It indeed is a bad feeling to know that some people somewhere probably behind a mask are actually viewing your profile and you can’t simply identify them, how would it have been if Facebook has actually created a feature where you can simply check out those people who has actually viewed your Facebook profile, like the status feature on WhatsApp where you can easily see a list of your status viewers, well on Facebook you can only imagine as there is no such feature as at now, probably later Facebook developers might actually look into it.
Facebook Visitor Tracker
The Facebook account view extension for Google Chrome called “Facebook account site visitors” is an extension which enables you to easily identify you Facebook profile viewers. Although this extension has been tested and seen to be effective, the downside is that, it is only possible to see those that have the same browser and extension installed on their device.
Read: How to Download Facebook Lite Latest APKBut here’s the good news we’ve found out ways to detect those who views your Facebook account, read this guide to easily check out this list.
Facebook Visitor Tracker
The Facebook account view extension for Google Chrome called “Facebook account site visitors” is an extension which enables you to easily identify you Facebook profile viewers. Although this extension has been tested and seen to be effective, the downside is that, it is only possible to see those that have the same browser and extension installed on their device.
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This implies that in order to see results, you need to encourage your friends to use this browser and its extension. To reveal your account viewers with this method, follow these steps.
This is the best and easiest method, as no need to download any third party app or use any plugin or extension, it is just simple, and can be done directly from your profile without any restriction. Using this method, identify your friends by:
- Initially, download this expansion from chrome web store to see your Facebook profile visitors in your Google Chrome web browser.
- Then simply log in to your Facebook account, Once you log in you will see that an extra tab, 'visitors' tab is positioned next to the left side of 'home' on the upper field of your Facebook home
- When you click on this Visitors tab, it will show the list of those that viewed your Facebook account.
This is the best and easiest method, as no need to download any third party app or use any plugin or extension, it is just simple, and can be done directly from your profile without any restriction. Using this method, identify your friends by:
- From a web browser, login to your Facebook account and then change the address to facebook.com/yourname, or simply type in facebook.com/yourname in the address field if you are already signed into your Facebook account
- Now from your profile, right click the browser and from the options go to "view page source".
- Afterwards, you would be redirected to a new page that contains a number of HTML/ Javascript/CSS codes.
- On this page, Press ctrl+ f combinations on your keyboard, then type in "InitialChatFriendsList" (excluding quotes) in the text field that will be revealed to you.
- Once the result is shown, you will notice some numbers after the "InitialChatFriendsList".
- Copy this number and go to the browser’s address field and type in www.Facebook.com/ followed by the copied number. E.g. www.Facebook.com/xyz.
- After you type these into the address field, press enter and a facebook profile will be revealed to you, this profile is the person who checked your profile.
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